Maya School of Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship Fund

Help Remove Barriers to Equitable Healthcare By Supporting a Maya Student Nurse

A Message from Escuela Maya's Director

A Shortage of Indigenous-Speaking Nurses

There is a critical shortage of Maya-speaking nurses in Guatemala, resulting in poor communication and compromised medical care for indigenous patients, who face systemic discrimination in national hospitals. This has worsened healthcare disparities and patient outcomes.

The Maya School of Auxiliary Nursing (Escuela Maya)

Hospitalito Atitlán has taken the visionary step of founding the Maya School of Auxiliary Nursing (Escuela Maya) to help reduce these barriers and improve quality healthcare for Guatemala’s indigenous population. The school, which has been accredited by the Ministry of Health, will help train auxiliary nurses eligible to work in not only in the national public healthcare system, but also private medical facilities. The school will graduate 30 qualified nurses yearly to work in clinics, community projects, and government hospitals.

Why a Nursing School is Essential

There are few opportunities to study in Santiago Atitlán, pop. 60,000, and the nearest nursing school is two hours away. It is costly to travel to study. When HA publishes to hire nurses, there are few applicants. Our mission is to provide accessible care, which means nurses that speak the local Maya language. Training nurses locally will improve health services in Santiago Atitlán and rural areas.

The Scholarship Fund

The fund will underwrite entrance exams, physicals, tuition, training materials, lab work, uniforms and professional mentorship for students in the 11-month program, which starts in January 2025.


All donations are tax deductible through our US nonprofit partner, 

Amigos Hospitalito Atitlán.


Learn more about Escuela Maya