Research & Investigations

Medical volunteers or students interested in performing research in affiliation with Hospitalito Atitlán must apply with the hospital’s Executive Director. It is essential that the director approve the final design of the study. Researchers will be expected to collaborate with other hospital healthcare providers, as is appropriate. We recommend that research projects be a minimum of three months, maximum of six months.

Those interested in doing a research project must submit a letter to the Director for approval, stating research goals and proposed methodology. Students must also arrange for one or more local mentors, who will be their local study advisor and ensure that the research is applicable to the local community. The Investigations Committee will assist students in identifying mentors.

Any research study must address the following questions:

  • What are the study’s objectives?
  • How will the study benefit the community?
  • How will the study be implemented, applied and measured in the Tz’utujil community.

It is essential to understand that 60 percent of the local population only speaks the Tz’utujil language. In the past, researchers have hired a Tz’utujil to English translator. The study will only be valid if this language barrier is transcended.